God’s Creatures.

Do you look and ponder? Do you come up with your own spiritual conclusion through the whispers of the father of lies or does your pondering reveal The Hand and The Majesty of God?

God brings the meal and the pelicans innately know to dive in after it.

Only human creatures are sinners and in need of salvation. The sinfulness of man works up the wrath of God. All the other creatures are lead by God to do what He enables them to do. I would be hard-pressed to think one day the pelicans would eat other birds in the air, but they don’t. I was just thinking, why doesn’t the pelican take off the head of the white bird or the heads of each other for food? Do you ever wonder why? Is it because they are so smart on their own volition? If God took His hands off of the birds or other creatures, there would be no order, only chaos. But as sure as the sun comes up, I will see the same order in all the other creatures besides humans everyday. We aren’t like that though, God created us especially to rule the earth with foresight and thought and consideration, humans are the only creatures God created with a soul. But rather all of those gifts being used as God intended (for Him, because of Him and until Him), we do our own thing, we create chaos, confusion, division, destruction. It’s quite the sad state of affairs. It becomes even worse when we blame, when we are all the same.

Why is it that we stand back, we watch from a distance. Our Constant Bread and Overflowing Drink is spread at the table. The invitation is open, but we neglect to dive in. Is it doubt? Is it pride? Is it fear of failure again from life and others?

The gift of God, the Giver Himself, when God pours out His Holy Spirit on a man, he is forever changed. He no longer cares what people think of Him, he knows his depraved state apart from Christ Jesus. He is Free to Live In Jesus and The Redeemed are Reconciled back to their first Love. Only Obedient unto God through The Blood and Power of Jesus, The Almighty. This is the way God intended and His Unfailing Mercy was displayed on the cross, through the crucifixion death of Jesus and His Victorious Resurrection, that we would be Eternally Healed (back to our first Love to live with Him forever).

If you have a desire to listen to God, that is surely God’s Grace to you. Run in The Way. How do we know what God says? His Holy Spirit affirms Himself through His Holy Word.

Stay Close and Comforted by the Hem of Jesus. He wants to hold you and speak to you before He sends you out like sheep among wolves.

Go In Adoration and Thanksgiving!

Love In Christ,


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