Consistency In God’s Providence

I could search for all eternity long, and find, there is None Like You Lord.

I cried this morning as I fed the animals. It was a beautiful gift.

I just enjoy how they wait for my hand to feed them and Kevin skips across the yard as I come (I need to video record this). This particular morning I went by myself and boy was I in for a Holy Spirit Awakening of overwhelming Joyfilled tears! In the mornings the goats and ducks cry out and wait for food and when they see me coming they start skipping around excited that the giver is here. God has made me that giver, an extension of His hand and what I give and how I give; it matters. Kevin, the same goat that got his head stuck in the fence, literally bleeps and skips down the fence joyfully expecting his food! I want to be like Kevin, excited like him, running down the hallways of my home, into my workplaces, because I am a witness to His Faithfulness, My Father God is going to feed me again today!

Then I go to the deer with some corn and they are still apprehensive to come close to me (finally today, one almost ate from my hand). With tears streaming down my face, God was revealing Himself. They are there waiting but they hesitate to come too close for fear. I get it. They have this innate fear that someone or maybe me, the new kid on the block is out to get them. But the more consistent I am in giving gently the more they will come close and the more they will invite their friends (it ranges from 3 deer to 15 deer waiting for me each day so far). I wept tears while I was feeding them today. I shared my heart with them as The Lord was overwhelming me with His Love. I shared with them that I understand their fear and in heaven there will be none of that. No fear of coming to me, because there will be no sin only Pure Love, Christ’s Love.

This reminded me of our family of companies. The work is hard here, but in a consistent environment to grow In Jesus, many tend to invite their friends to the feast. Or for fear, many do not come close and I get that too. God is very present here and when my eyes are fixed above, its quite obvious and very apparent that I am at His feast. His Banner over me is Love.

He wants to feed me His Food every single day, all day. And I imagine as long as I’m walking in my self sufficiency, attempting to keep my foolish life, I only just dabble with God, not truly Free because I still want to keep a semblance of the old man, who wants to do things on my own, only to take credit for the food I eat. The Lord is my Savior but His blood is not enough to take my life. So in the valley, we grow! Why? He reveals His hand that is in fact feeding me everything because in the valley I need Him to come feed me, I don’t have the option anymore to feed myself. The valley reveals His Faithfulness to me even though He was there all along. We were too busy deciding whether we needed to come eat from His hand or not. We enjoyed food that was rotten or would eventually rot. The Food God gives never rots, it is eternal, it is Christ Jesus. He is The Firstfruits. When I lay down my fears, of everything I think I am, I walk humbly and close to God. I Abide with Him Joyfully trusting that He Will Give me my daily food. I want to be fed by Him constantly otherwise I die spiritually. I am hidden in The Life of Jesus. My greatest fear is to be without God and because Jesus is The Victor I run, run, run to The One Worthy of All Praise, All Adoration. True Freedom In Christ is let go of my self inflicted worldly fear, the fear of man and Fear The One Who Created me and has always had Perfect Love on His mind concerning me. This is The Blessed Life!
To God be the Glory, those In Christ get to run up to our Holy God and eat from His Hand and the only reason we can Is Because of Jesus! I am in heaven on earth with Him Alone.

Who is able to advise The Spirit of The Lord? Who knows enough to give Him advice or teach Him? Has The Lord ever needed anyone’s advice? Doe He need instruction about what is good? To whom can you compare God? What image can you find to resemble Him? Isaiah 40:13-14, 18

“To whom will you compare Me? Who is My equal?” Isaiah 40:25

In Jesus’ Name


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